Quality and Excellence of Gaffe’s Made in Italy

Gaffe means “encounter”. It incorporates Franco Dessì, a brand born in 2001 to capitalize on experience and influences and promote Dessì’s own collection, and Next Tee, an emerging brand created to launch a luxury collection of golf bags. Gaffe also means “quality”. Today Gaffe is a benchmark in terms of design and quality of materials for some of the most prestigious Italian and international brands

Gaffe Parma


The high quality of the leather is enhanced by the high specialization of the figures who work within the company. For Gaffe, accurately selecting the finest materials is indeed a crucial aspect in his search for beauty and refinement.

Gaffe Parma


An intense creative process shapes each piece, giving charm and significance to the precious materials used and to the great craftsmanship with which they are made.

Gaffe Parma


The elegant balance between colors, materials and design derives from the deep knowledge of craft techniques, which still take place observing the traditional Italian artisan creativity.

Gaffe Parma


Gaffe is a benchmark for many important Italian and foreign “luxury brands”, certain of obtaining valuable advice both in terms of design and guarantee of high quality materials.